Name Date Topic

Zeinab Jan 08, 14:15 Intensity-dependent phase of high-harmonic generation
Paul Dec 11, 14:15 Non-Born-Oppenheimer simulations for dissociative ionization of D2
Mohammad Dec 02, 10:30 Coulomb time shifts in high-order harmonic generation
Paul June 20, 14:15 Progress report on phase-of-the-phase spectroscopy of D2
Zeinab June 12, 14:15 Literature review: Optical Measurement of Photorecombination Time Delays
Nikolay May 16, 14:15 Literature review: Double-blind decoupling of molecular rotation and high-order harmonic generation with a neural network
Paul May 8, 14:15 Literature review: Photoelectron spectra in circularly and elliptically polarized laser pulses
Mohammad May 2, 14:15 Literature review: Electron-wave-packet-deformation–induced attosecond emission time shift in gas high-order harmonic generation
Zeinab Dec 13, 14:15 The Coulomb phase in high-harmonic generation
Paul Nov 15, 14:15 Orientation-dependent ionization yield from molecules
Nikolay Oct 20, 14:15 Deep learning for retrieval of the internuclear distance in a molecule with moving nuclei from electron momentum distributions
Zeinab June 14, 14:15 Caustics in high-harmonic generation II
Zeinab May 17, 14:15 Caustics in high-harmonic generation I
Florian June 12, 14:00 PhD defence
Florian May 23, 17:00 The HeH isotopologues in intense asymmetric laser fields
Simon May 5, 13:00 PhD defence
Simon Apr 21, 14:15 Electron Momentum Distributions from Strong-Field-Induced Ionization of Atoms and Molecules
Simon Mar 16, 14:15 Literature review: Ultrafast preparation and strong-field ionization of an atomic Bell-like state
Paul Mar 1, 14:15 Adiabatic properties of the bicircular attoclock
Nikolay Feb 1, 14:15 Literature review: Laser-induced electron diffraction in the over-the-barrier-ionization regime
Paul Jan 25, 14:15 Literature review: Tunneling time from phase-of-the-phase spectroscopy in attoclock experiments
Julius Dec 8, 16:15 Master talk
Simon Dec 7, 14:15 The Coulomb Lense in Strong-Field Ionization
Florian Nov 23, 14:15 Mass-ratio dependent dissociation of HeH+ isotopologues
Manfred June 8, 15:00 Coulomb interaction in high-harmonic generation
Paul June 1, 14:15 Bicircular Attoclock with Molecules as a Probe of Electron Release Times and Instantaneous Stark Shifts
Simon May 11, 14:15 Revealing the Influence of Molecular Chirality on Tunnel-Ionization Dynamics
Pascal Apr 6, 14:15 Bachelorvortrag: Numerische Lösung der Schrödingergleichung auf einem hexagonalen Gitter
Florian Feb 23, 14:00 Entanglement in strong-field ionization of molecules
Pascal Dec 15, 14:15 Numerische Lösung der Schrödingergleichung auf einem hexagonalen Gitter
Paul Winter Dec 8, 14:15 Bicircular Attoclock with Molecules, Progress report 1: Adiabatic models
Florian Dec 1, 14:15 Comparing eigenstate-calculation methods
Nikolay Nov 24, 14:15 Retrieval of the internuclear distance in a molecule from interference patterns
Simon Nov 10, 14:15 Streaking with THz fields
Karl Michael Ziems (Jena) Sep 29, 14:15 Molecular Wigner time delay
Fabian Maciy Sep 8, 14:15 Bachelor talk: Tunnel ionization of angular-momentum states
Jannik Sep 1, 11:00 Bachelor talk: Quantenmechanischer Bumerangeffekt
Simon Jul 6, 16:00 Ab initio calculation of photoelectron momentum distributions using the pseudospectral method
Paul Winter Jun 22, 16:15 Introduction to structure calculation for ultracold atoms with Gaussian-type orbitals
Florian Jun 15, 16:15 Probing multiphoton light-induced molecular potentials
Marie Jun 1, 16:15 Bachelor talk: Berechnung von Potentialkurven für zweiatomige Moleküle
Nikolay May 18, 16:15 Deep learning in strong-field physics
Simon May 11, 16:15 Radiation pressure in strong-field ionization
Manfred May 4, 16:15 Geometric phases and Floquet theory
Simon Feb 19, 14:15 Photon momentum transfer in strong-field ionization — it is not always Ekin/c
Paul Ophardt Feb 10, 14:15 Photoelektronen aus Ionisation durch zweidimensionale Laserfelder
Simon Nov 13, 10:15 HASE
Tobias Oct 21, 14:00 Calculation of ionization times in strong laser fields
Nicolas Sep 2, 10:00 PhD defence
Bianca Jul 29, 14:00 Bachelor talk: Erzeugung hoher Harmonischer im Pöschl-Teller-Potential
Simon May 28, 14:15 A complex-trajectory-based first-principles approach for photoelectron momentum distributions from strong-field ionization
Shengjun May 14, 14:00 Probing Coulomb time delays in high-order harmonic generation
Florian Apr 30, 14:15 Ionization and dissociation of HeH+ in strong two-color fields
Nikolay Apr 2, 15:00 Semiclassical two-step model with quantum input
Nicolas Feb 21, 10:45 Momentum distributions from bichromatic ionization of atoms and molecules
Florian Feb 19, 16:15 Ionization and dissociation of HeH+ in strong two-color fields
Simon Jan 29, 14:15 Scattering theory
Tobias Dec 4, 14:15 Ionization time in 1D laser-induced dynamics
Xiaosong Sep 4, 14:15 Floquet-Bloch theory and Berry phase, part 2
Xiaosong July 17, 14:15 Floquet-Bloch theory and Berry phase, part 1
Simon, Nicolas June 28, 10:15 room 269 L'Phys talks
Florian June 26, 14:15 Two-color control of HeH+ fragmentation
Shengjun June 12, 14:15 High-harmonic generation from H2 and D2 in bicircular fields
Nicolas June 5, 14:15 Ionization times, part 2
Nicolas May 29, 14:15 Ionization times, part 1
Simon May 22, 14:15 Maslov phase, part 2
Simon May 15, 14:15 Semiclassical approximation of path integrals: The Maslov phase and its implication on photoelectron momentum distributions
Simone Pfau Apr 3, 10:00 room 267 Einhaltung der Stickstoffdioxid-Grenzwerte und Inverse Ausbreitungsmodellierung zur Emissionsratenbestimmung
Nikolay Mar 7, 14:15 Multielectron polarization effects and ionization of the hydrogen molecule within the semiclassical two-step model
Simon Mar 7, 15:00 Multielectron polarization effects and ionization of the hydrogen molecule within the semiclassical two-step model
Xiaosong Feb 13, 14:15 Berry phase and dynamics of current-carrying orbitals in 2D laser fields, part II
Nikolay Jan 23, 14:15 Semiclassical two-step model for strong-field ionization of the hydrogen molecule
Xiaosong Jan 16, 14:15 Berry phase and dynamics of current-carrying orbitals in 2D laser fields
Manfred Dec 19, 14:15 The Berry phase
Marc Dec 12, 14:00 PhD defence
Marc Dec 3, 09:00, room 201 Vibrational motion in high-harmonic generation
Florian Nov 21, 14:15 Static ionization rates for the δ molecule (and HeH+ in two-color fields)
Simon Nov 14, 14:15 Non-dipole effects in photoelectron momentum distributions
Nicolas Oct 29, 09:30, room 201 Effective one-dimensional potentials from static current densities
Nikolay July 18, 14:15 Multielectron polarization effects in strong-field ionization
Xiaosong May 30, 14:15 Below-threshold harmonic generation
Marc May 16, 14:15 High-harmonic generation in D2 and H2
Simon May 4, 14:15
Room 268
Strong-field ionization beyond the electric dipole approximation
Alexander Apr 25, 14:15 Bachelor talk
Gökmen Polat Feb 21, 14:15 BA-Präsentation: Berechnung von mechanischen Strukturen mittels einer peridynamischen Formulierung
Nikolay Dec 20, 16:00 Literature review: Strong-field photoemission from metallic nanostructures
Nicolas Dec 6, 16:00 Literature review: Deep learning
Simon Nov 29, 16:00 Literature review: Attosecond-pulse characterization
Florian Nov 15, 16:00 Literature review: Ionization dynamics of polar molecules in strong elliptical laser fields
Hongcheng Ni (Dresden) Nov 1, 16:00 Tunneling exit characteristics from classical backpropagation of an ionized wave packet
Bing Oct 25, 16:00 The ionization and return times of harmonics from asymmetric molecule HeH2+
Alexander Oct 18, 16:00 Coherence degree of the ionized hydrogen molecule
Florian Sep 1, 11:00 QUTIF talk on HeH+
Nicolas Aug 31, 14:15 QUTIF talk on ionization times
Marc Aug 23, 14:15 Attosecond probing of nuclear dynamics with trajectory-resolved high-harmonic spectroscopy
Nikolay July 12, 14:15 Effects of the Coulomb potential in strong-field holography with photoelectrons
Manfred Jun 22, 9:00 Time-dependent density functional theory for strong-field processes
Karen Hatsagortsyan (MPI Heidelberg) May 31, 16:00 Interplay between Coulomb-focusing and non-dipole effects in strong-field ionization
Simon Mar. 29, 14:15 Master Forschungspraktikum/Projektplanung: Theoretical study of high-harmonic generation in noble gases with bicircular fields
Florian, Nicolas Feb. 22, 14:15 QUTIF talks for Dresden
Malte Dec. 20, 16:15 Zwei-Niveau System bei Anregung mit moduliertem weißen Rauschen
Marc Dec. 15, 14:30 Eikonal-Volkov Approximation
Malte Nov. 22 Finding Ionization Times
Florian Nov. 18, 10:00 Multielectron effects during the recollision process
Nicolas Nov. 1, 13:45 Sub-barrier Coulomb effects
Nikolay Oct. 11 Strong-field photoelectron holography: Theoretical analysis and semiclassical perspective
Kunlong Liu
(MPI Halle)
Oct. 4, 14:15,
Room 267
Tunneling site of electrons in strong-field ionization of molecules
Pengfei Lan (Huazhong, China),
Nikolay Shvetsov-Shilovski,
Yueming Zhou (Huazhong, China),
Nicolas Eicke
Sep. 12, 11:00/14:00 11:00, Pengfei Lan (Huazhong, China), Tomographic imaging of molecular orbitals with high harmonic generation
11:30, Nikolay Shvetsov-Shilovski, Two-step semiclassical model with quantum interference
14:00, Yueming Zhou (Huazhong, China), Extracting structural information using strong-field photo-electron holography
14:30, Nicolas Eicke, Electron trajectories and ionization times with two-color strong-field ionization
Diego Arbó Jun. 14, 14:15 Young-type interference in atomic ionization by one- and two-color laser pulses
Florian May 31, 14:15 Single active electron model for HeH+
Nicolas May 10, 14:15 Electron Trajectories with Two-Color Strong-Field Ionization
Malte Apr. 12, 14:15 Finding Ionization Times
Marc Feb. 26, 12:15 DPG talk
Dennis Feb. 26, 10:00 Numerische Simulation von nichtadiabatischer Tunnelionisation in starken zirkular polarisierten Laserfeldern für Orbitale mit Drehimpuls
Nikolay, Simon Feb. 23, 14:15 DPG talks
Malte Feb. 2, 16:15 Measurement and Description of Time Delays
Marc Jan. 19/26, 16:15 Short and long trajectories in HHG
Axel Schild
(MPI Halle)
Dec. 22, 14:30 High Harmonic Generation from the Perspective of the Exact Electron Factorization
Nikolay Dec. 8, 16:15 Scaling laws in HHG
Jost Nov. 23, 14:15,
Room 203
Phenomena in Strong-Field Interaction with Atoms and Molecules
Daniel Nov. 17, 16:15 Coherence of the hydrogen molecular ion after strongfield ionization
Simon Nov. 10, 16:15 Electron angular distributions in laser-induced ionization of molecules
Nicolas Nov. 3, 16:15 t-SURFF method for calculating momentum distributions
Dennis Oct. 13, 16:00 Interpreting the attoclock
Monika, Salih Aug. 21, 11:15,
Room 268
Monika: Photochemistry and conical intersections: A very brief introduction
Salih: Molecular symmetry effects on photoinduced nonadiabatic dynamics
Manfred Jul. 21, 16:15 Coherence in strong field ionization
Jost Jul. 13, 16:15 Analysis of electron trajectories with two-color strong-field ionization.
Maria Jun. 29, 16:15 Resonant High Harmonic Generation and Extreme-Ultraviolet Frequency Combs Driven by Few-Cycle Laser Pulses
Dieter Bauer
(Uni Rostock)
Jun. 24, 14:15 Laser-driven helium from the density functional and the density-matrix functional perspective
Marc Jun. 8, 16:15 Ratio of harmonics in D2 and H2
Nikolay May 11, 16:15 Quantum optimal control theory and strong field phenomena: Application to ionization suppression and high harmonic generation
Dennis Apr. 27, 16:15 Numerische Verifikation der Theorie über nichtadiabatische Tunnelionisation in starken zirkular polarisierten Laserfeldern
Fabian Anders Jan. 13, 14:15
Room 269
Ionisationszeiten von Atomen und Molekülen
Ingo Dec. 10, 10:00 PhD defence
Ingo Nov. 20, 14:15 Photoelectron Momentum Distributions from Recollision-Free Strong-Field Ionization of Atoms and Molecules
Monika Oct. 16, 14:15 Wie sich rechts- und linkshändige Moleküle unterscheiden: Zirkulardichroismus von Photoelektronen
Ingo Jul. 24, 12:15 Nonadiabatic tunneling of laser-dressed p orbitals in circularly polarized laser fields
Monika Jul. 17, 12:15 Enantio-selective control of rotational dynamics?
Ingo Jul. 10, 12:15 The lateral width of photoelectron momentum distributions as a tool for molecular imaging
Jost Jul. 3, 12:15 Mechanisms of Below-Threshold Harmonic Generation in Atoms
Marc Mar. 27, 12:15 H2+ in strong few-cycle pulses and mid-infrared pulses
Jost, Ingo Mar. 13, 14:15 Describing the phase of a tunneling electron wave packet by interference with an XUV electron (Jost)
Photoelectron circular dichroism in above-threshold ionization of chiral molecules (Ingo)
Thomas Grohmann
(FU Berlin)
Mar. 1, 14:15 From photochemistry to unidirectional motions: Examples of nuclear spin selective quantum dynamics
Florian Dec. 19, 14:15 Quantenzustände auf dem Sierpiński-Teppich
Christoph Dec. 12, 14:15 Numerische Studie der Schrödinger-Newton-Gleichung
Julian Dec. 5, 14:15 Quantendynamik in komplexer Zeit zur Beschreibung hoher Harmonischer
Marc Nov. 21, 14:15 Carrier-Envelope-Phase-Dependent Electron Localization in Photodissociation of a H2+ Molecular Ion Beam Target
Ossama Kullie Nov. 7, 14:15 A relativistic (Dirac-Coulomb-Hamiltonian) time-dependent density functional (TDDFT) investigation of the excited states of the group 12 dimers, Zn2, Cd2, Hg2 and Cn2
Daniel Oct. 31, 14:15 The influence of the stark effect on the generation of high-order harmonics
Jost Sep. 26, 14:15 Parallel detection of XUV and IR photoelectrons enables measurement of the tunneling phase
Chris Eyles
(FU Berlin)
Sep. 19, 14:15
Room 267
Reactive scattering of rotational wavepackets
Johannes Floss
(Weizmann Institute)
Jul. 25, 14:15,
Room 268
Quantum resonance, Anderson localisation and selective rotational excitation in periodically kicked molecules
Ingo Jun. 27, 14:00 Photoelectron distributions of randomly oriented chiral molecules
Jing Jun. 13, 14:00,
Room 027
PhD defence
(Appelstr 4, the building next to our institute)
Jing Jun. 06, 14:15 High-harmonic spectroscopy of atoms and molecules
Marc May. 30, 14:15,
Room 203
Dissociation and proton recollision in H2+
Monika Leibscher May. 02, 14:15,
Room 203
Manipulating molecular rotations with laser pulses
Maria Mar. 13, 14:15 DPG talk: Strong-field response of a system with resonance in the continuum
Lars Mar. 07, 11:15,
Room 267
High harmonic generation with elliptically polarized laser pulses
Lars Dec. 13, 14:15,
Room 269
High harmonic generation with elliptically polarized laser pulses
Daniel Nov. 29, 14:00 Stark shift enhanced HHG
Ingo Nov. 21, 14:00 Photoelectron circular dichroism with femtosecond laser pulses
Jost Nov. 01, 14:00,
Room 203
Attosecond VUV-pulses from high-harmonic generation in neon atoms
Jing Aug. 16, 14:00 Theoretical determination of ionization times in high-order harmonic generation
Maria Jul. 19, 14:00 Enhanced HHG in an inhomogeneous field
Manfred May. 24, 14:30 Delay in photoionization
Daniel May. 10, 14:00 Analytical treatment of the softcore potential
Lars May. 03, 10:30 High harmonic generation with an elliptically polarized laser field
Myroslav Mar. 29, 14:00 Electron emission from H2+ in circularly polarized strong field including nuclear motion
Ingo Mar. 08, 16:30 DPG talk
Jing Mar. 06, 13:15 Probing Fano resonance with ultrashort pulses
Maria Mar. 02, 14:00 XUV frequency combs
Manfred Feb. 28, 16:30 High-order harmonic generation: dipole, velocity and acceleration forms
Ingo Feb. 17, 14:00 Quantitative theory for the lateral momentum distribution after strong-field ionization