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What is the simpolator?
It is a pedagogic tool to help you understand
tunnel ionization of atoms by strong laser fields.
Classical Newtonian
trajectories are launched at selected times
and move subsequently in the laser field only. Phases are
calculated as action integrals and the trajectories are added
coherently (unless the calculation mode is set to classical)
to calculate the photoelectron momentum distribution.
The plotted image can be viewed as a two-dimensional slice through
the cylindrically symmetric three-dimensional momentum distribution
from an atom. The symmetry axis is the laser field direction
(polarization axis), chosen horizontal in the plot.
The distribution shows various interference patterns that are due to
interference of different types of trajectories.
How do I use it?
The panel at the bottom shows a sinusoidal time-dependent
electric field, which can be understood as a section of a strong
laser pulse. Click to select those quarter cycles of the field
where you want to allow ionization. By choosing "direct",
or "long"/"short" rescattering trajectories, you can include
electrons that scatter once from the parent ion (only scattering
at the first return is currently supported). Click the run button
to evaluate the result. Illumination of
the simpolator logo in the bottom right corner indicates that
the simulation is running.
The rest should be self-explanatory.
What is the underlying theory?
At each moment within the selected time intervals,
ionization is implemented such that
many electron trajectories are launched, all with zero initial position
and zero velocity component along the field. The initial
transverse momenta v are distributed according to the
adiabatic tunneling formula
where E(t) is the electric field strength at ionization time t.
The expression takes automatically care of different weights for
different ionization times.
The ionization potential I
p = 0.5 au = 13.6 eV of the
hydrogen atom is used always. For the coherent summation of
trajectories it is required that every trajectory carries a complex
amplitude. The initial amplitude is taken as the square root of the
tunneling weight (see above) times exp(iI
pt) according
to the time-evolution of the bound state pior to ionization
(assuming field-free evolution of the bound state before ionization).
The trajectories then
evolve according to Newton's law for classical particles
including only the force due to the laser field while neglecting
the force of the parent ion on the outgoing electron
Corkum, Burnett, Brunel, PRL 62, 1259 (1989)].
Electrons with zero initial transverse momentum move along a straight
line, which implies that they can return to the initial position, depending
on the phase of the laser field at the time of ionization.
In physical terms, returning electrons can scatter elastically from the parent
ion ("rescattering") [
Paulus et al., J. Phys. B 27, L703 (1994)].
To incorporare this phenomenon,
an additional set of trajectories is launched at the time
of return,
using a uniform distribution of scattering angles. The overall probability
of rescattering is adjustable using the slider in the settings panel.
The scattered electrons follow again Newtonian trajectories in the
laser field only. Along every trajectory, the accumulated phase
is calculated according to the time integral of the kinetic energy
("action integral")
Bian et al., PRA 84, 043420 (2011)]. Finally, the complex amplitudes
of all trajectories ending up in the same
momentum bin are added coherently and the modulus square gives the signal
at each momentum bin. These bins are small squares in the momentum plane.
Their size is set by the simpolator according to the laser parameters.
(Depending on the settings, however, interferences in the high-energy
region are not always well resolved, causing Moiré artefacts, see below.)
Finally, the distribution is normalized by multiplication with a global factor
such that the second highest value is set to unity.
What can I learn from it?
Depending on which trajectories you select, various types of
interference phenomena show up in the calculated momentum
• Choosing direct electrons from
two adjacent quarter cycles with opposite signs
produces "intracycle" interference.
► Choose settings for intracycle interference
• Choosing direct electrons from two quarter cycles
with a relative delay of one laser period produces
rings of constant energy ("ATI rings"). Each ATI ring corresponds
to a specific number of absorbed photons.
► Choose settings for ATI rings
• Including long and short rescattering trajectories from one quarter cycle
leads to
rings of interference between these two types of
► Choose settings for short-long interference
• Choosing all trajectories from one half cycle gives rise
to interference between direct and rescattered electrons
► Choose settings for holography
You forgot to put units on the momentum axes.
Yes, agreed. The momenta are in atomic units.
Therefore, a momentum of p = 1 corresponds to an electron with
energy p
2/2 = 0.5 = 13.6eV.
Does the code calculate results in real time or does it
just show pre-calculated data?
Calculations are done on the fly. Note that the Newtonian
trajectories are not numerical but follow analytical expressions
because only the force by the laser field is accounted for, while
the binding force is neglected ("simple man's model"). Thus
the numerical work lies only in the sampling of the trajectories
and in the coherent summation. Unless you use an old browser,
the simpolator makes use of parallel computing by launching
several "webworkers" that run in parallel threads.
By clicking the settings button, you will see a display showing
the number of threads.
(This is browser and machine dependent.)
Sometimes I see small circular patterns at high energies. They look like raindrops that sit on my graph. What are they?
These are visual artefacts known as Moiré patterns.
They appear when the resolution of the bitmap is not enough
to resolve fine interference structures. The Moiré patterns
are almost unavoidable when the picture exhibits many ATI rings
because the ring spacing in momentum space becomes smaller and
smaller with increasing momentum. The simpolator lets you
check this easily: if you hold down the mouse button on the green
scale slider and move it slightly, the upper half of the plot is
replotted with lower resolution. This resolution
stays until you release the
mouse button.
If patterns change upon
change of resolution, it is an indication that you are seeing
Moiré patterns. Note however, that this does not work well
on mobile devices (or small window size) because - for speed
reasons -
the simpolator uses very low resolution when moving the scale slider
in such a situation.
For some parts of the field I cannot choose rescattering. Why not?
Electrons launched in a quarter cycle with ascending field strength
do not return to the parent ion. Therefore, only direct trajectories
are selectable in these quarter cycles.
What is the programming language? Can I see the source code?
The simulation is written in javascript and embedded in an html
webpage. Therefore it runs in every
browser no matter whether it is opened on a PC or mobile device.
Desktop browsers give you the possibility to view the source code of
this webpage. However, you might see not the actual code but
only the wrapper page, which contains an "iframe" link to the actual simpolator
page named "simpolatorbackbone.html". Please follow that link and view the source code
there. You can easily download the simpolator files to your computer and
run the simpolator offline. (You need "simpolator.html", "simpolatorbackbone.html",
"simpolator.css" and the folder "images" with the files
"blowuparrow.png", "gear2.png", "simpolator.png", "simpolator2.png", "sizedown.png".)
What is the reason for the peculiar design of the simpolator?
The retro look reminds us that the underlying theory is really
simple and robust. Despite its simplicity,
it can support the interpretation of experiments
even in present-day research.
Does the simpolator offer bachelor projects?
Yes. Possibly it makes sense to develop an SFA (strong-field
approximation) mode of the simulation
to improve the description of quantum mechanical
aspects of strong-field ionization.
Can I change and/or redistribute the code?
You can do with it whatever you want, but you are asked to acknowledge the
author (Manfred Lein, University of Hannover) in an appropriate manner
if you distribute the code or if you use it for teaching purposes.
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